5 ways to productively work from home
Due to the uncertain and unstable times we are currently in, we all have to change and adapt the way we work and live. We know many people aren’t in the fortunate position where they can work from home, due to the nature of the business they are in, if that applies to you take a look at our other blog “I can’t work from home, how do I keep my business going” It also includes some ideas to you could implement even if you can work from home.
Thanks to the use of cloud accounting and storage, and due to the nature of our work, the Rosslyn Associates team are all currently working form home for the foreseeable future. This has got us thinking of creative new ways we can adapt to the situation, and how we can continue to be productive working in an unusual environment. One of the new things we are introducing is free webinars, find out about our next webinar here! We know that things are uncertain, and we don’t know what the future holds, but we believe the best way to deal with the situation is to support our clients and try to adapt.
Read on for some simple ways which can make working from home more productive. Let us know if you have any ideas, or if you just need someone to talk to.
Set a schedule
Being at home all the time can make you feel a bit disorientated and lethargic. The blending of work and home life can feel odd. One way to combat this is by setting a schedule for your time. Decide what time you’ll get up in the morning, perhaps schedule in a bit of reading or exercise, and breakfast. Schedule in some time for morning work, breaks, housework, exercise, and try to get out for a walk when you can. Make a plan of the tasks you’ll get through each day and tick them off when they’re complete. This should help you stay on track.
Get dressed!
Although everyone is different and some will work efficiently in their pjs and slippers, we find it can be helpful to get dressed into clothes you’d wear outside. One reason for this is it might make you feel more motivated and less lazy, and it will also help you make a solid divide between work time and relaxation time. Of course, do whatever suits you, but try it out if your struggling to find motivation and structure.
Take advantage of technology
It’s 2020 and there are now so many different ways of working remotely. There is so much technology out there to help you with this. If you’re used to having face to face client meetings, try a video calling service like Zoom or Skype. It’s also extremely important that your team stay connected when they are apart. Make a social media platform for your team by using a platform such as Facebook workplace or make sure you all have a group chat on Whatsapp or Messenger. Update each other regularly and give each other support.
You can get clients to book virtual meetings via Calendly for free, reducing admin. You can use Eventbrite to get people to register for online events. Think about if any of the services you currently offer could be provided from home with certain technology and have a look around to see if there are any software/apps etc. out there which will help you provide it. There is so much on offer!
If you usually go to the gym or you commute to work by foot and you are no longer able to do this, make sure you put some time aside in your day to do some exercise. Sitting in your house all day can pay a toll on your physical and mental health, so keep your body and your mind healthy by taking a walk outside, following some online at home workout videos, put your favourite music on and dance around, or do some yoga. Whatever suits you best it’s important to keep your body moving.
Give yourself breaks
When you’re working from home it can be difficult to separate your free time from your working time because you are continuously in the same place. Make sure you deliberately separate your time with breaks away from your computer. This is really important. It will help you stay focussed when you are supposed to be working and help you switch off when you are not.
Let’s help each other and work together
We are here for all of our clients at this difficult time. Please get in touch with us if you want to discuss how covid-19 is affecting your business, or just to talk about how your business is going in general. Working remotely has never been easier thanks to faster internet and a vast array of software and apps. We can all stay connected remotely and we should use this to our advantage to keep us all moving forward. If you need to chat, get in touch with your client manager or email info@rosslynassociates.co.uk and we can talk over email, arrange a call or a video meeting.