8 inspiring books for any business owner
We’ve compiled a list of eight must-read, inspiring business books for any business owner serious about growing a successful business. The books we’ve chosen have helped with the growth of Rosslyn Associates as well as with the work we do with our clients. Let us know if there are any you think should be on the list!
The E Myth Revisited – by Michael E. Gerber
This revised edition of Gerber’s 1986 classic is useful for any small business owner. The E Myth is one of the first books to discuss and provide a plan detailing how to move on from being self-employed to becoming a business. If you want to work on structuring and growing your business, rather than the day to day working within it, then this is the book for you.
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action – by Simon Sinek
“Start with Why” explains what separates good leaders and businesses from the rest, and looks at the importance of finding your business’s “Why”. Sinek explores the idea that “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”. This means that you need to know the values and purpose of your business for people to buy into it. Rather than trying to sell a product or service, we should be selling a solution, a lifestyle, something we and other people believe in. This is a really important point for any business owner. Before you move on to anything else, discover your why, and this book can help you do it!
Traction – by Gino Wickman
“Traction” provides a step by step system for running a growing business. This book has heavily influenced the structure and running of Rosslyn Associates. The effective and practical tools Wickman provides enable business owners to grow their business strategically. Traction teaches how to build an excellent team, with the right people in the right position, who can carry your business to success. Once the tools of Traction have been put in place, your business will be in a very good position for growth. If you are looking for a clear and strategic outline to run your business by, then turn to “Traction”.
Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits – by Greg Crabtree
Crabtree keeps close to the numbers in “Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits”. This book explains how to understand the real financial position of your business and helps with the diagnoses of problems, as well as explaining how to improve the numbers. The only point to make for UK readers is that as it is an American book, some of the tax issues are not really relevant.
NLP at Work – The Essence of Excellence – by Sue Knight
These next couple of books are Neuro Linguistic Programming books which have been useful within the growth of Rosslyn Associates.
“NLP at Work – The Essence of Excellence” guides the reader to apply the practical skills of NLP to a business environment. The language used throughout the book is easy to understand and jargon free, making it accessible. However, if this is your first time encountering NLP, perhaps a basic introduction such as “Neuro Linguistic Processing for Dummies” by Romilla Ready and Kate Burton is also a good place to start! As an NLP practitioner, Ian, our director has found these books helpful when applying NLP coaching skills to business coaching.
NLP Business Masterclass – David Molden
Similarly to “NLP at work”, “NLP Business Masterclass” demonstrates the practical application of NLP to a business setting. Molden gives a masterclass in NLP which can transform your business, so it can perform at its very best. This book explores how NLP can help you discover new ways of thinking which can lead to creative new ideas and ways of doing things.
Scaling Up – by Verne Harnish
Similar to “Traction”, “Scaling Up” is a practical book which looks at how to grow a business sustainably. This book will help you create a plan for all areas of your business. The book is divided into four main areas- people, strategy, execution and cash. Harnish provides tools and techniques, which can be implemented straight away, enabling you to grow your business.
Pricing for Profit – by Peter Hill
Pricing is often the downfall of small business owners. When working with clients we’ve often found that they set their prices too low in fear of competition. “Pricing for Profit” is a great book to help with this key issue. Hill explains the importance of price and how getting it right is essential for the growth of your business. “Pricing for Profit” acts as a thorough and practical guide for any business owner to help them set the right price and increase the bottom line.
Grow your business with Rosslyn Associates
We hope you found our list of inspiring business books interesting! All the books included have been instrumental to the growth of Rosslyn Associates and are an invaluable resource when working with our clients. If you like the sound of any of the books and would like to chat about growing your business, let us know. Rosslyn Associates provide business coaching and advisory services to owner managed business’s, helping them develop and grow. If you would like to discuss how we can help you grow your business, get in touch with us by calling the office on 0131 445 1825 or by emailing info@rosslynassociates.co.uk.