We’re Fundraising for HopScotch Children’s Charity!
After taking part in a treadmill marathon in the office in January, some of the Rosslyn Associates team have decided to take on a bigger challenge! On the 18th of August 2018 we will be taking part in Rough Runner! This time we have decided to donate any funds raised to HopScotch Children’s Charity. HopScotch is an Edinburgh based charity who provide respite for children coming from difficult and stressful home environments, by providing them with a welcoming and warm environment.
About HopScotch Children’s Charity
One of the things that HopScotch do to help children is take them to their holiday centre in the Scottish Highlands. So far, since 1998, they have taken more than 5,000 children from challenging home environments on holiday to help create happy childhood memories.
The cost of taking one child on holiday for one week is £250, therefore we have set our target to a challenging £1,000, so that we can help HopScotch take four children on holiday, letting them enjoy new experiences and take part in exciting activities!
Rough Runner
The event we are taking part in is going to be tough, but we hope it will also be fun! Rough Runner is based on TV shows like Gladiators, Wipeout, Takeshi’s Castle & Ninja Warrior. The event involves a 10 Kilometre run with 15 large obstacles throughout. None of the team have taken part in anything like this before, so wish us luck!
Here’s a link to a video of Rough Runner’s 2017 Scotland Event, to show you what we are getting ourselves into!:
Leave a Donation
We would really appreciate any donations to this great cause! With a little help we will be able to help create happy experiences for children growing up in difficult environments. Any donation, big or small will help us on our way to reaching our target!
Check out our Virgin Money Giving page here to leave a donation: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/Team/RosslynAssociatesLimited
Save Tax!?
Donating to charity can save you tax! Check out our blog to find out how helping us could reduce your personal or corporation tax bill! Win Win!
Thank you!
Thank you for taking the time to read our story, and of course thank you so much for your donations!